Thursday, February 18, 2010

Getting To Be A Big Girl

Hannah enjoys taking showers in addition to baths. She likes to drink the water and also likes to turn around and have it massage her back. This is mid-dance. It's the little things in life that make Hannah happy.

We went to the zoo last week and this young gorilla took a liking to Hannah. At first, we thought it was the chicken nugget, but the gorilla was enjoying having another little one to interact with. The gorilla spent quite a bit of time trying to get Hannah to play with her. Then mother gorilla put an end to the fun and made her head down to where the other gorillas were hanging out. Once in a lifetime photo opportunity.

Here is our big girl all snuggly in her sleeping bag that Nana and Papa had stashed away since Isabella was Hannah's age. She loves to climb inside and enjoy a show.

Here is Hannah enjoying either Madagascar, an animal video, or a Jack's Big Music Show episode. We like her to mellow out in the evenings before bedtime. It seems to be working.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy February!

Stephen and I went to a Sabres/Ducks game a couple of weeks ago.

Hannah enjoying a movie to relax before bedtime.

Aunt Michelle made these lovely slippers for our little lady. She loves them and wears them around the house a great deal. Thank you, Michelle.

Here she is showing off her new slippers.

Hannah building a tower out of Legos, a very developmental 2.5 yr old activity. We are very proud of what she can do! She surprises us everyday.