Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hannah in Coronado

Hannah loves the ocean. It takes her a minute to remember how fun the waves can be, but once she is in the surf, we cannot drag her out. She decides when she is water logged.

This is Hannah's excited face. She saw the water and decided it was time to check out the surf!

Stephen buried her and she liked it so much, she wanted to be buried over and over.

Hannah at her cutest....nothing else to say...

Monday, May 4, 2009

More good times

Hannah is quite the water drinker. She enjoys having her cup filled with ice water. Sometimes we have to remind her that she is not a boxer in between rounds spitting in to the bucket.

Hannah is working on her jumping ability. It is hard to get her in the perfect "jump" position, so you will have to imagine her doing it. She is at the end of her jump in this photo.

We got Hannah a train set a few weeks ago. She enjoys having the trains go around the track, especially the downhill portions.